Fruity Oaty Bars

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— Chef's Note —

"Fruity Oaty Bars make a man out of a mouse!" - Fruity Oaty Bars commercial

You can use your favorite fruits to make these! I recommend blueberries, strawberries (or cranberries/raspberries), and green apples to match the colors on the box.

Reddit user Iamnotapanther followed our recipe and chose to make blueberry fruity oaty bars. With their permission, we've featured their picture as the cover of this page (and in the gallery below). The box design is by Corvin0 on DeviantArt.

— Featured In —

♦︎ Firefly ♦︎

How to Make Fruity Oaty Bars

— Ingredients —

Oaty Crust
Oaty Crust
(see below)
Fruity Filling
Fruity Filling
(see below)

— Instructions —

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
  2. Prep a 9x13 pan with cooking spray.
  3. Spread half of the oaty crust dough in the pan, using your fingers to even out the dough.
  4. Spoon the fruity filling evenly over the crust.
  5. Sprinkle remaining dough over the pan.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes, then turn the oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and bake until the top has browned (about 25 minutes).
  7. Remove from oven and set to cool.
  8. Once cool enough to touch, cover pan and chill in fridge until well cooled (about 30 to 60 minutes).
  9. Cut into bars and enjoy!

How to Make Oaty (Crust)

— Ingredients —

4 tbsp butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup oats
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 egg
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp vanilla
food coloring
food coloring

— Instructions —

  1. Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Mix in flour, sugar, and salt.
  3. Add egg, oil, and vanilla.
  4. Mix until you have a crumbly crust to work with.
  5. (Optional: separate crust into bowls and use food coloring to achieve a rainbow effect.)

How to Make Fruity (Filling)

— Ingredients —

5 cups fruit
orange juice
1/2 cup orange juice
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla

— Instructions —

  1. Simmer most ingredients (except 2 cups fruit and vanilla) over medium heat.
  2. Stir well until the mixture becomes thick.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and remove from heat.

— Gallery —