"Mom used to make those. Haven't had any...in a long time. I'll check it out. Thanks, Spider-Guy." - Gloria
— Featured In —
Spider-Man (2018 video game)
How to Make Wheatcakes
— Ingredients —
1 cup120 g
buckwheat flour
1 cup120 g
whole wheat flour
2 tsp8 g
baking powder
1 tsp5.9 g
2 cups475 ml
2 tbsp30 ml
lemon juice
2 tsp11.7 g
1/4 cup55 g
(plus extra)
maple syrup
(as desired)
— Instructions —
Combine milk with lemon juice in a bowl, and wait for milk to curdle (about 10 minutes).
Meanwhile: in a separate bowl, mix together buckwheat flour, whole wheat flour, baking powder, and salt.
Melt butter in a small bowl, and add to flour mixture.
Separate egg yolks from whites, reserving both. Beat egg yolks, and add to flour mixture.
When milk has curdled, mix molasses into the milk mixture. Then, pour into the flour mixture and stir.
In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff (but not dry).
Fold egg whites into the batter gently until blended (don't overmix!).
Grease a frying pan with extra butter. For each pancake: cook until small bubbles appear on top. Then, flip and cook until bottom is lightly browned.