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— Chef's Note —

"Have you ever had a cherrychanga? Ooh! Sorry, that was a question." - Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie invents the cherrychanga in The Last Roundup. She only mentions mashed-up cherries in a deep-fried tortilla, so I'd call the cream filling optional. I do think it adds more flavor depth (read: tastes delicious), and makes the recipe akin to that of strawberry cheesecake chimichangas.

Incidentally, you know who also likes saying funny words like 'chimichanga'? Deadpool. Wonder if those two would ever get along...

— Featured In —

♦︎ My Little Pony ♦︎

How to Make Cherrychangas

— Ingredients —

1 3/4 cup cherries
(washed and pitted)
cream cheese
8 oz. cream cheese
sour cream
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup ricotta
1 tablespoon vanilla
1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon sugar
lemon zest
2 teaspoons lemon zest
6 tortillas
1 tablespoon cinnamon
for frying

— Instructions —

  1. Mash cherries, and strain.
  2. Combine cream cheese, sour cream, ricotta, vanilla, 1 tablespoon sugar, and lemon zest.
  3. Scoop cream cheese filling along the middle third of each tortilla, leaving an inch or so on each side.
  4. Spoon mashed cherries on top, again along the center.
  5. Next, fold the two sides of each tortilla toward the center and then roll the tortilla up like a burrito (see below pictures). (If you need to, you can use toothpicks to keep the whole thing together.)
  6. Combine the remaining 1/4 cup sugar with the cinnamon in a shallow bowl and set it aside. Line a large plate with paper towels.
  7. Add 3 inches of oil to a large, deep saucepan, leaving a minimum of 2 inches from the top of the oil to the top of the saucepan. Heat the oil over medium-high heat until it reaches 360ºF on a deep-fry thermometer (or when the tortilla hisses when you set it in oil).
  8. Fry each cherrychanga until golden brown and crispy (about 3 minutes each side).
  9. Top with additional cherries, and enjoy.

— Gallery —

— See Also —

Banana Brickle
Carrot Crepes
Daffodil and Daisy Sandwich
Griffon Scones

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